Sometimes I just wondered why people don’t have consideration for others!!
Everyday there’s few groups of grand-parents gathering at the pavillion of housing estate with their grandchildren. They chit-chat and exchanged talks loudly and when their grandchildren need to pee and poo, they will let them do it just anywhere to their conveniences. A most horrible incident that happened yesterday morning!! A grandpa who literally carry his grandson and let him poo on the walkway… Angry smile With his age, doesn’t he know what is hygience and consideration?? I thought this only happened in the rural area or forest…. It pains me to see the clean environment being taken for granted. Really pity the cleaners…..Sad smile

About Alice

Christian, True Jesus Church Love photography and travelling
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1 Response to SHOCK!!

  1. Lilian says:

    ayo….这么一小堆孩子粪便有什么了不起?说不定,那里来只流浪狗,即可变成流浪狗的美食佳肴了。小孩子,年幼不懂事嘛,不能怪罪;爷爷奶奶老糊涂了嘛,怪不了啦。去年圣诞节之后,有个30出头的年轻人,拿了一堆大垃圾,就往我们楼下行人道摆了就要走掉。我喊住他,告诉他那是电梯口人来人往的地方,很不好看,我说,可以把垃圾摆到垃圾槽的出口处。他很不高兴,摆起铁公鸡的神态给我看,问我:“你想怎样?你是housing board 的职员吗?”我说不是,但这是大家共住的楼下,这样不好看。他说我如果我不是建屋局的职员,没有资格指责他,这事与我无关。刚刚过去的Hari Raya,我家楼下的地面到处都摆满大件垃圾。看到我又气又难过,这里是5房A的租屋哪,看来我们这带居民们的德行比你那边的老人家也好不了多少。看开啦,否则你也会想要去撞墙了。

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